Code Linting

Install Master CSS ESLint with Laravel

Guide to installing Master CSS ESLint in your Laravel project.


Install the plugin and parser into your project via package managers.

npm install -D @master/eslint-config-css@rc @angular-eslint/template-parser eslint

Set up ESLint config

Import and add the Master CSS ESLint Configuration css to eslint.config.js.

  • Use @angular-eslint/template-parser to parse .blade.php files.
import htmlParser from "@angular-eslint/template-parser"
import css from '@master/eslint-config-css'
export default [
files: ['**/*.blade.php'],
languageOptions: { parser: htmlParser }

Not working in Visual Studio Code? Next, set up the VSCode ESLint.

Code Linting
Install Master CSS ESLint with HTML

Guide to installing Master CSS ESLint in your HTML project.

Language Service
Master CSS for Visual Studio Code

An official VSCode extension to integrate features of the Master CSS language service.

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