Implement your design system using the configuration API.
npm create @master/css@rc
If you don't have a configuration file, create one first.
Customizing animation animations for your design system.
export default { animations: { 'slide-in-up': { from: { transform: 'translateY(100%)' }, to: { transform: 'translateY(0)' } } }}
Apply the custom animation using animation syntax:
<div class="@slide-in-up|.5s"></div>
Customizing functions for your design system.
export default { functions: { translate: { unit: 'rem' } }}
Apply your custom functions:
<div class="translate(2rem)">…</div> <div class="translate(32)">…</div>
Customizing at-rules for your design system.
export default { at: { landscape: 'media (orientation:landscape)' /* @landscape */ }}
You wouldn't want to write full media queries within the markup.
<div class="aspect:2/1@media(orientation:landscape)">…</div>
Employ concise yet semantically meaningful markup.
<img class="aspect:2/1@landscape" … />
Generated CSS
@layer base, theme, preset, components, general;@layer general { @media(orientation:landscape) { .aspect\:2\/1\@landscape { aspect-ratio: 2/1 } }}
Customizing rules for your design system.
export default { rules: { foo: { matcher: /^foo:./, unit: 'rem', declare(value, unit) { return { width: value + unit } } } }}
Use your custom syntax:
<div class="foo:32"></div>
Generated CSS:
.foo\:32 { width: 2rem;}
Customizing selectors for your design system.
export default { selectors: { _headings: '_:where(h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6)' }}
Simplify your existing markup in HTML:
<article class="font:bold_:where(h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6)">…</article> <article class="font:bold_headings">…</article>
Customizing utility classes for your design system.
export default { utilities: { round: { 'border-radius': '50%', 'aspect-ratio': '1/1' } }}
Apply your custom utilities:
<div class="round">o</div>
Customizing abstract components for your design system.
export default { components: { btn: '… inline-flex h:10x' }}
Apply the btn
style to the button element:
<button class="btn">Submit</button>
Generated CSS
@layer base, theme, preset, components, general;@layer components { .btn { display: inline-flex; height: 2.5rem }}
Customizing variables for your design tokens.
import { variables } from '@master/css'export default { variables: { 'font-family': { sans: 'Inter' }, screen: { desktop: 1280 }, spacing: { sm: 10 }, primary: '#000000' }}
Apply custom variables using ambiguous shorthand:
<div class="font:sans max-w:screen-desktop m:sm bg:primary">…</div>
Extend custom or external configuration.
Type | any[] |
export default { extends: [ require('@master/ui'), require('./styles/btn.css'), … ]}
Make all generated CSS declarations !important
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
Using important: true
should be considered as a last option, as it's a compromise.
export default { important: true}
Generated CSS:
.hidden { display: none !important;}.full { width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important;}
Customize your configuration to override all default configuration, default false
to extend.
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
export default { override: true}
We've carefully preset some configurations to enhance the syntax; usually, you'll extend it.
Specify the conversion factor for rem
and em
Type | number |
Default | 16 |
Here's a common use case with rootSize: 10
export default { rootSize: 10}
Generated CSS rules:
.font\:16 { font-size: 1rem; /* rootSize: 16 */ font-size: 1.6rem; /* rootSize: 10 */ }
And you will set the font size of the root to 62.5%
<html class="font:62.5%">
This base unit determines the size scale and ensures visual consistency across products.
Type | number |
Default | 4 |
For example, with the default baseUnit: 4
, the size scale 1x, 2x, …
will be 4, 8, …
<div class="m:4x"></div>
Generated CSS:
.m\:4x { margin: 1rem; /* 4x = 4*4 = 16px, 16px / 16 = 1rem */}
Limit the generated CSS rules to a specific scope with CSS selectors.
Type | string |
Default | '' |
Don't make it part of your coding style, but as a last resort to solve problems.
export default { scope: '#app'}
All Master CSS syntax will only be applied if the <body id="app">
<html><body id="app"> <div class="mt:1 text:center"></div></body></html>
Generated CSS:
#app .mt\:1 { margin-top: 0.0625rem}#app .text\:center { text-align: center}
The mode is to be applied by default when no mode is specified.
Type | 'light' 'dark' string boolean |
Default | 'light' |
Default light mode
export default { defaultMode: 'light'}
Generated CSS:
.light, :root { --primary: 0 0 0;}
No default mode
export default { defaultMode: false}
Generated CSS:
.light { --primary: 0 0 0;}
Sets how the theme should drive and generate CSS rules.
Type | { [key: string]: 'class' | 'media' | 'host' | false } |
Default | {
"dark": "class",
"light": "class"
} |
<div class="bg:black@dark">
Drive theme styles through CSS classes
export default { modes: { dark: 'class' }}
Generated CSS:
.dark .bg\:#000000 { background-color: #000000 }
Drive theme styles through media queries
export default { modes: { dark: 'media' }}
Generated CSS:
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { .bg\:#000000 { background-color: #000000 } }
Drive theme styles through shadow DOM's host
export default { modes: { dark: 'host' }}
Generated CSS:
:host(.dark) .bg\:#000000 { background-color: #000000 }