
Rendering Modes of Master CSS

Master CSS provides three rendering modes, which you can choose according to project scale and application scenarios to meet your current business requirements.

It's flexible — can be runtime, zero-runtime, or even hybrid.

Progressive Rendering

Render the CSS rules required for the page on the server side or at build time, and lazily load the runtime engine.

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Runtime Rendering

Observe for changes to class names in the DOM tree to manipulate CSS rules and sync to the runtime stylesheet.

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Static Extraction

Extract class names from various files at build time, generate a virtual CSS module or file, and import it into the entry file.

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Pre-rendering + RuntimeRuntimeZero-runtime
Applicable technologies
Generated source
HTML stringRuntime DOM Tree.html, .js, .jsx, .svelte, ...
Application scenarios
SaaS Software as a ServiceSaaS Software as a Service-
Dynamic applicationsDynamic applicationsSemi-dynamic applications
DashboardDashboardSemi-dynamic dashboard
Static siteStatic siteStatic site
First page load
Defer loading runtime engine~17KB runtime engineNo runtime engine
Page-used CSSGenerate CSS at runtimeLoad all pages CSS
Internal CSSRender-blocking JS resourcesRender-blocking CSS resources
Fastest FCP--
Performance in the browser
Minimal, CSS generated on demandMinimal, CSS generated on demandIncluding page-unused CSS
~0.01ms/class generation cycle~0.01ms/class generation cycleNone, pre-generated CSS
Internal CSS in documentExternal JSExternal CSS
The source of class names
class attributes in markupclass attributes in markupScan all source files
100% reliability100% reliabilityIrregular sources
SSG Static Site Generation
SSR Server-side Rendering
CSR Client-side Rendering
SPA Single-page Application
RR Runtime Rendering
SE Static Extraction
PR Progressive Rendering
SaaS Software as a Service
Syntax Tutorial
Conditional Queries

Apply styles based on theme, print, and other modes and queries.

Markup-driven CSS

Master CSS styles are driven by template markups and generate CSS rules on demand.

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