A guide to customizing declarations, selectors, functions, and at-rules in syntax.
Customize your own Master CSS syntax rules.
export default { rules: { foo: { matcher: /^foo:./, unit: 'rem', declare(value, unit) { return { width: value + unit } } } }}
Use your custom syntax:
<div class="foo:32"></div>
Generated CSS:
.foo\:32 { width: 2rem;}
View the default rules
Name | Unit | Variables |
group | - | - |
variable | - | - |
font-size | rem | - |
font-weight | - | - |
font-family | - | - |
font-smoothing | - | - |
font-style | deg | - |
font-variant-numeric | - | - |
font-variant | - | - |
font | - | ["font-family", "font-variant", "font-weight", "font-size", "font-style", "line-height"] |
font-feature-settings | - | - |
color | - | ["text"] |
margin-left | rem | ["spacing"] |
margin-right | rem | ["spacing"] |
margin-top | rem | ["spacing"] |
margin-bottom | rem | ["spacing"] |
margin-x | rem | ["spacing"] |
margin-y | rem | ["spacing"] |
margin | rem | ["spacing"] |
margin-inline-start | rem | ["spacing"] |
margin-inline-end | rem | ["spacing"] |
margin-inline | rem | ["spacing"] |
padding-left | rem | ["spacing"] |
padding-right | rem | ["spacing"] |
padding-top | rem | ["spacing"] |
padding-bottom | rem | ["spacing"] |
padding-x | rem | ["spacing"] |
padding-y | rem | ["spacing"] |
padding | rem | ["spacing"] |
padding-inline-start | rem | ["spacing"] |
padding-inline-end | rem | ["spacing"] |
padding-inline | rem | ["spacing"] |
flex-basis | rem | - |
flex-wrap | - | - |
flex-grow | - | - |
flex-shrink | - | - |
flex-direction | - | - |
flex | - | - |
display | - | - |
width | rem | - |
height | rem | - |
min-width | rem | - |
min-height | rem | - |
size | rem | - |
min-size | rem | - |
max-size | rem | - |
box-sizing | - | - |
box-decoration-break | - | - |
contain | - | - |
content | - | - |
counter-increment | - | - |
counter-reset | - | - |
letter-spacing | em | - |
line-height | - | - |
object-fit | - | - |
object-position | - | - |
text-align | - | - |
text-decoration-color | - | ["text"] |
text-decoration-style | - | - |
text-decoration-thickness | em | - |
text-decoration-line | - | - |
text-decoration | rem | ["text"] |
text-underline-offset | rem | ["spacing"] |
text-underline-position | - | - |
text-overflow | - | - |
text-orientation | - | - |
text-transform | - | - |
text-rendering | - | - |
text-wrap | - | - |
text-indent | rem | - |
vertical-align | - | - |
columns | - | - |
white-space | - | - |
top | rem | ["spacing"] |
bottom | rem | ["spacing"] |
left | rem | ["spacing"] |
right | rem | ["spacing"] |
inset | rem | ["spacing"] |
max-height | rem | - |
max-width | rem | - |
opacity | - | - |
visibility | - | - |
clear | - | - |
float | - | - |
isolation | - | - |
overflow-x | - | - |
overflow-y | - | - |
overflow | - | - |
overscroll-behavior-x | - | - |
overscroll-behavior-y | - | - |
overscroll-behavior | - | - |
z-index | - | - |
position | - | - |
cursor | - | - |
pointer-events | - | - |
resize | - | - |
touch-action | - | - |
word-break | - | - |
word-spacing | em | - |
hyphens | - | - |
user-drag | - | - |
user-select | - | - |
text-shadow | rem | - |
text-size | rem | - |
text-fill-color | - | ["text"] |
text-stroke-width | rem | - |
text-stroke-color | - | - |
text-stroke | rem | - |
text-truncate | - | - |
box-shadow | rem | - |
table-layout | - | - |
transform-box | - | - |
transform-style | - | - |
transform-origin | px | - |
transform | px | ["spacing"] |
transition-property | - | - |
transition-timing-function | - | - |
transition-duration | ms | - |
transition-delay | ms | - |
transition | - | - |
animation-delay | ms | - |
animation-direction | - | - |
animation-duration | ms | - |
animation-fill-mode | - | - |
animation-iteration-count | - | - |
animation-name | - | - |
animation-play-state | - | - |
animation-timing-function | - | - |
animation | - | - |
border-collapse | - | - |
border-spacing | rem | ["spacing"] |
border-top-color | - | ["frame"] |
border-bottom-color | - | ["frame"] |
border-left-color | - | ["frame"] |
border-right-color | - | ["frame"] |
border-x-color | - | ["frame"] |
border-y-color | - | ["frame"] |
border-color | - | ["frame"] |
border-top-left-radius | rem | - |
border-top-right-radius | rem | - |
border-bottom-left-radius | rem | - |
border-bottom-right-radius | rem | - |
border-top-radius | rem | - |
border-bottom-radius | rem | - |
border-left-radius | rem | - |
border-right-radius | rem | - |
border-radius | rem | - |
border-top-style | - | - |
border-bottom-style | - | - |
border-left-style | - | - |
border-right-style | - | - |
border-x-style | - | - |
border-y-style | - | - |
border-style | - | - |
border-top-width | rem | - |
border-bottom-width | rem | - |
border-left-width | rem | - |
border-right-width | rem | - |
border-x-width | rem | - |
border-y-width | rem | - |
border-width | rem | - |
border-image-repeat | - | - |
border-image-slice | - | - |
border-image-source | - | - |
border-image-width | rem | - |
border-image-outset | rem | - |
border-image | - | - |
border-top | rem | ["frame"] |
border-bottom | rem | ["frame"] |
border-left | rem | ["frame"] |
border-right | rem | ["frame"] |
border-x | rem | ["frame"] |
border-y | rem | ["frame"] |
border | rem | ["frame"] |
background-attachment | - | - |
background-blend-mode | - | - |
background-color | - | - |
background-clip | - | - |
background-origin | - | - |
background-position | px | - |
background-repeat | - | - |
background-size | rem | - |
background-image | - | - |
background | - | - |
gradient | - | - |
mix-blend-mode | - | - |
backdrop-filter | - | - |
filter | - | - |
fill | - | - |
stroke-dasharray | - | - |
stroke-dashoffset | - | ["spacing"] |
stroke-width | - | - |
stroke | - | - |
x | - | ["spacing"] |
y | - | ["spacing"] |
cx | - | ["spacing"] |
cy | - | ["spacing"] |
rx | - | - |
ry | - | - |
grid-column-start | - | - |
grid-column-end | - | - |
grid-column-span | - | - |
grid-column | - | - |
grid-columns | - | - |
grid-row-start | - | - |
grid-row-end | - | - |
grid-row-span | - | - |
grid-row | - | - |
grid-rows | - | - |
grid-auto-columns | - | - |
grid-auto-flow | - | - |
grid-auto-rows | - | - |
grid-template-areas | - | - |
grid-template-columns | rem | - |
grid-template-rows | rem | - |
grid-template | - | - |
grid-area | - | - |
grid | - | - |
column-gap | rem | ["spacing"] |
row-gap | rem | ["spacing"] |
gap | rem | ["spacing"] |
order | - | - |
break-inside | - | - |
break-before | - | - |
break-after | - | - |
aspect-ratio | - | - |
column-span | - | - |
align-content | - | - |
align-items | - | - |
align-self | - | - |
justify-content | - | - |
justify-items | - | - |
justify-self | - | - |
place-content | - | - |
place-items | - | - |
place-self | - | - |
list-style-position | - | - |
list-style-type | - | - |
list-style-image | - | - |
list-style | - | - |
outline-color | - | ["frame"] |
outline-offset | rem | ["spacing"] |
outline-style | - | - |
outline-width | rem | - |
outline | rem | ["outline-width", "outline-style", "outline-offset", "outline-color", "frame"] |
accent-color | - | - |
appearance | - | - |
caret-color | - | ["text"] |
scroll-behavior | - | - |
scroll-margin-left | rem | ["spacing"] |
scroll-margin-right | rem | ["spacing"] |
scroll-margin-top | rem | ["spacing"] |
scroll-margin-bottom | rem | ["spacing"] |
scroll-margin-x | rem | ["spacing"] |
scroll-margin-y | rem | ["spacing"] |
scroll-margin | rem | ["spacing"] |
scroll-padding-left | rem | ["spacing"] |
scroll-padding-right | rem | ["spacing"] |
scroll-padding-top | rem | ["spacing"] |
scroll-padding-bottom | rem | ["spacing"] |
scroll-padding-x | rem | ["spacing"] |
scroll-padding-y | rem | ["spacing"] |
scroll-padding | rem | ["spacing"] |
scroll-snap-align | - | - |
scroll-snap-stop | - | - |
scroll-snap-type | - | - |
will-change | - | - |
writing-mode | - | - |
direction | - | - |
shape-outside | - | - |
shape-margin | rem | ["spacing"] |
shape-image-threshold | - | - |
clip-path | - | - |
quotes | - | - |
mask-image | - | - |
By tokenizing selectors, you can simplify your markup.
export default { selectors: { _headings: '_:where(h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6)' }}
Simplify your existing markup in HTML:
<article class="font:bold_:where(h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6)">…</article> <article class="font:bold_headings">…</article>
View the default selectors
Name | Replace with |
::scrollbar | "::-webkit-scrollbar" |
::scrollbar-button | "::-webkit-scrollbar-button" |
::scrollbar-thumb | "::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb" |
::scrollbar-track | "::-webkit-scrollbar-track" |
::scrollbar-track-piece | "::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece" |
::scrollbar-corner | "::-webkit-scrollbar-corner" |
::slider-thumb | ["::-webkit-slider-thumb", "::-moz-range-thumb"] |
::slider-runnable-track | ["::-webkit-slider-runnable-track", "::-moz-range-track"] |
::resizer | "::-webkit-resizer" |
::progress | "::-webkit-progress" |
:first | ":first-child" |
:last | ":last-child" |
:even | ":nth-child(2n)" |
:odd | ":nth-child(odd)" |
:nth( | ":nth-child(" |
:only | ":only-child" |
Customize the behavior and rules of functions.
export default { functions: { translate: { unit: 'rem' } }}
Apply your custom functions:
<div class="translate(2rem)">…</div> <div class="translate(32)">…</div>
View the default functions
Name | Unit | Native Name |
$(…) | - | $ |
calc(…) | - | calc |
translate(…) | rem | translate |
translateX(…) | rem | translateX |
translateY(…) | rem | translateY |
translateZ(…) | rem | translateZ |
translate3d(…) | rem | translate3d |
skew(…) | deg | skew |
skewX(…) | deg | skewX |
skewY(…) | deg | skewY |
skewZ(…) | deg | skewZ |
skew3d(…) | deg | skew3d |
rotate(…) | deg | rotate |
rotateX(…) | deg | rotateX |
rotateY(…) | deg | rotateY |
rotateZ(…) | deg | rotateZ |
rotate3d(…) | deg | rotate3d |
blur(…) | rem | blur |
drop-shadow(…) | rem | drop-shadow |
hue-rotate(…) | deg | hue-rotate |
rgb(…) | - | rgb |
rgba(…) | - | rgba |
hsl(…) | - | hsl |
hsla(…) | - | hsla |
color(…) | - | color |
color-contrast(…) | - | color-contrast |
color-mix(…) | - | color-mix |
hwb(…) | - | hwb |
lab(…) | - | lab |
lch(…) | - | lch |
oklab(…) | - | oklab |
oklch(…) | - | oklch |
light-dark(…) | - | light-dark |
clamp(…) | - | clamp |
repeat(…) | - | repeat |
linear-gradient(…) | - | linear-gradient |
radial-gradient(…) | - | radial-gradient |
conic-gradient(…) | - | conic-gradient |
repeating-linear-gradient(…) | - | repeating-linear-gradient |
repeating-radial-gradient(…) | - | repeating-radial-gradient |
repeating-conic-gradient(…) | - | repeating-conic-gradient |
matrix(…) | - | matrix |
matrix3d(…) | - | matrix3d |
scale(…) | - | scale |
scale3d(…) | - | scale3d |
scaleX(…) | - | scaleX |
scaleY(…) | - | scaleY |
scaleZ(…) | - | scaleZ |
In native CSS, it's not possible to reuse queries through CSS variables. By tokenizing media queries, feature queries, container queries, and even responsive breakpoints, and applying them with flexible syntax within the markup.
export default { at: { landscape: 'media (orientation:landscape)' /* @landscape */ }}
You wouldn't want to write full media queries within the markup.
<div class="aspect:2/1@media(orientation:landscape)">…</div>
Employ concise yet semantically meaningful markup.
<img class="aspect:2/1@landscape" … />
Generated CSS
@layer base, theme, preset, components, general;@layer general { @media(orientation:landscape) { .aspect\:2\/1\@landscape { aspect-ratio: 2/1 } }}
View the default at-rules
Name | Value |
all | "media all" |
print | "media print" |
screen | "media screen" |
speech | "media speech" |
landscape | "media (orientation:landscape)" |
portrait | "media (orientation:portrait)" |
motion | "media (prefers-reduced-motion:no-preference)" |
reduced-motion | "media (prefers-reduced-motion:reduce)" |
base | "layer base" |
preset | "layer preset" |
Add a media query
Create a media query token, such as @landscape
, to represent landscape orientation.
export default { at: { landscape: 'media (orientation:landscape)' /* @landscape */ }}
When displayed in landscape orientation, the image is presented in a 2:1 aspect ratio.
<img class="aspect:2/1@landscape" … />
Generated CSS
@layer base, theme, preset, components, general;@layer general { @media(orientation:landscape) { .aspect\:2\/1\@landscape { aspect-ratio: 2/1 } }}
The landscape
is the default token.
Add a feature query
Create a feature query token, such as @support-backdrop
, to apply styles based on backdrop-filter
export default { at: { support: { backdrop: 'supports (backdrop-filter:blur(0px))' /* @support-backdrop */ } }}
Applies translucent background only when backdrop-filter
is supported.
<div class="bg:white/.8@support-backdrop">…</div>
Generated CSS
@layer base, theme, preset, components, general;@layer general { @supports(backdrop-filter:blur(0px)) { .bg\:white\/\.8\@support-backdrop { background-color: rgb(255 255 255/.8) } }}
Customize utility classes using native CSS declarations.
export default { utilities: { round: { 'border-radius': '50%', 'aspect-ratio': '1/1' } }}
Apply your custom utilities:
<div class="round">o</div>
View the default utilities
Syntax | CSS Declarations |
square | aspect-ratio: 1/1; |
video | aspect-ratio: 16/9; |
rounded | border-radius: 1e9em; |
round | border-radius: 50%;
aspect-ratio: 1/1; |
hidden | display: none; |
block | display: block; |
table | display: table; |
flex | display: flex; |
grid | display: grid; |
contents | display: contents; |
inline | display: inline; |
inline-block | display: inline-block; |
inline-flex | display: inline-flex; |
inline-grid | display: inline-grid; |
inline-table | display: inline-table; |
table-cell | display: table-cell; |
table-caption | display: table-caption; |
flow-root | display: flow-root; |
list-item | display: list-item; |
table-row | display: table-row; |
table-column | display: table-column; |
table-row-group | display: table-row-group; |
table-column-group | display: table-column-group; |
table-header-group | display: table-header-group; |
table-footer-group | display: table-footer-group; |
italic | font-style: italic; |
oblique | font-style: oblique; |
isolate | isolation: isolate; |
overflowed | overflow: visible; |
untouchable | pointer-events: none; |
static | position: static; |
fixed | position: fixed; |
abs | position: absolute; |
rel | position: relative; |
sticky | position: sticky; |
uppercase | text-transform: uppercase; |
lowercase | text-transform: lowercase; |
capitalize | text-transform: capitalize; |
visible | visibility: visible; |
invisible | visibility: hidden; |
vw | width: 100vw; |
vh | height: 100vh; |
max-vw | max-width: 100vw; |
max-vh | max-height: 100vh; |
min-vw | min-width: 100vw; |
min-vh | min-height: 100vh; |
center-content | justify-content: center;
align-items: center; |
sr-only | position: absolute;
width: 1px;
height: 1px;
padding: 0;
margin: -1px;
overflow: hidden;
clip: rect(0,0,0,0);
white-space: nowrap;
border-width: 0; |
full | width: 100%;
height: 100%; |
top | top: 0; |
left | left: 0; |
right | right: 0; |
bottom | bottom: 0; |
center | left: 0;
right: 0;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto; |
middle | top: 0;
bottom: 0;
margin-top: auto;
margin-bottom: auto; |
break-spaces | white-space: break-spaces; |
break-word | overflow-wrap: break-word;
overflow: hidden; |
gradient-text | -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
-webkit-background-clip: text;
background-clip: text; |
fit | width: fit-content;
height: fit-content; |