Design Token


Customizing screen sizes and breakpoints for your design system.


screen-4xs36022.5remiPhone 6, 7, 8, X, 11, 12 / Galaxy S8 / HTC One…
screen-3xs48030remBlackberry Passport / Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7…
screen-2xs60037.5remLG G Pad 8.3 / Amazon Kindle Fire …
screen-xs76848remMicrosoft Surface / iPad Pro 9.7 / iPad Mini …
screen-sm83452.125remiPad Air 10.5 / iPad Pro 11 …
screen-md102464remiPad Pro 12.9 / Microsoft Surface Pro 3 …
screen-lg128080remGoogle Chromebook Pixel / Samsung Chromebook …
screen-xl144090remMacbook Air 2020 M1 / MacBook Pro 15 …
screen-2xl1600100remDell Inspiron 14 series …
screen-3xl1920120remDell UltraSharp U2412M / Dell S2340M / Apple iMac 21.5-inch …
screen-4xl2560160remDell UltraSharp U2711 / Apple iMac 27-inch …

The screen in the variable is a reserved section. In addition to being used as a property value token screen-*, it also serves as a responsive breakpoint @*.

Basic usage

Apply a screen size

Apply default screen variables using any syntax, such as width and max-width.

<div class="w:screen-sm max-w:screen-lg">…</div>

Apply a responsive breakpoint

Conditionally apply styles using default screen variables as responsive breakpoints.

<div class="font:24 font:32@sm font:48@md">…</div>

The responsive breakpoints can be flexibly used with operators, see the responsive design documentation.

Design Token

Customizing fonts for your design system.

Design Token
Spacing and Sizing

Apply consistent sizes across your application.

© Aoyue Design LLC.