Animation Direction
Setting the direction of the animation.
Simplify the native syntax using the derived symbol.
<div class="animation-direction:reverse"><div class="@direction:reverse">
Basic usage
Play forward
The animation plays forward in each cycle.
<svg class="@direction:normal @rotate|1s|linear|infinite">…</svg>
Play backward
The animation plays backward in each cycle. For example, rotate counterclockwise.
<svg class="@direction:reverse @rotate|1s|linear|infinite">…</svg>
Play alternately
The animation reverses direction each cycle and the first iteration plays forward.
<svg class="@direction:alt @rotate|1s|linear|infinite">…</svg>
Play alternately and reverse first
The animation reverses direction each cycle and the first iteration plays backward.
<svg class="@direction:alt-reverse @rotate|1s|linear|infinite">…</svg>
Fade out
Reverse the @fade
animation so that you don't need to define a new keyframe for fade-out
<svg class="@fade|1s|reverse|infinite">…</svg>
For one-shot animations, remove infinite
Conditionally apply
Apply styles based on different states using selectors and applying conditionally.
<div class="@direction:normal:hover">…</div><div class="@direction:normal@sm">…</div><div class="@direction:normal@dark">…</div><div class="@direction:normal@print">…</div>