The ESLint configuration and plugin reference for Master CSS.
npm i @master/eslint-config-css
Basic usage
Setup ESLint configuration
Use the latest flat configuration. As an example of checking Master CSS syntax in TypeScript and HTML files:
import css from '@master/eslint-config-css' import htmlParser from "@angular-eslint/template-parser"import tsParser from '@typescript-eslint/parser'/** @type {import('eslint').Linter.Config[]} */export default [ { files: ['**/*.html'], languageOptions: { parser: htmlParser } }, { files: ['**/*.{ts,tsx}'], languageOptions: { parser: tsParser } }, css, { rules: { '@master/css/class-validation': ['error', { disallowUnknownClass: true }], } },]
For the legacy configuration, see the legacy example.
API Reference
Enforce a consistent and logical order of classes.
export default [ { rules: { "@master/css/class-order": "warn" } }]
Detect syntax errors early when writing classes.
export default [ { rules: { "@master/css/class-validation": "error" } }]
Set disallowUnknownClass: true
to disallow unknow classes and enforce strict checks:
export default [ { rules: { "@master/css/class-validation": ["error", { "disallowUnknownClass": true }] } }]
Avoid applying classes with the same CSS declaration.
export default [ { rules: { "@master/css/class-collision": "warn" } }]
Specify the element attribute containing classes.
export default [{ settings: { "@master/css": { "classAttributes": [ "class", "className" ] } }}]
Specify the names of the function to check its arguments.
export default [{ settings: { "@master/css": { "classFunctions": [ "clsx", "cva", "ctl", "cv", "class", "classnames", "classVariant", "styled(?:\\s+)?(?:\\.\\w+)?", "classList(?:\\s+)?\\.(?:add|remove|toggle|replace)" ] } }}]
Specify the names of the variable/member to check its declarations.
export default [{ settings: { "@master/css": { "classDeclarations": [ "components" ] } }}]
Specifies object keys to ignore checking.
export default [{ settings: { "@master/css": { "ignoredKeys": [ "compoundVariants", "defaultVariants" ] } }}]
Specify a custom Master CSS configuration or path. By default, it reads a module named master.css.*
based on the current working directory.
export default [ { settings: { "@master/css": { config: "master.css" } } }]
If the master.css
module cannot be found, you can specify the path:
import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'export default [ { settings: { "@master/css": { config: fileURLToPath(new URL('master.css.ts', import.meta.url)) } } }]