CSS variables defined specific values to be reused throughout a document.
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Stylize a shadow DOM
Let's say this's your custom element and its tree:
<test-element> ▼ #shadow-root (open) <button part="button"></button></test-element>
and the element contains an encapsulated style like this:
:host { --button-bg: red;}[part=button] { background: var(--button-bg);}
Elements in the shadow DOM cannot be selected via descendant selectors, but you can:
<test-element class="$button-bg:red $button-bg:pink@sm"> ▼ #shadow-root (open) <button part="button"></button></test-element>
Conditionally apply
Apply styles based on different states using selectors and applying conditionally.
<div class="$size:2.5rem:hover $size:2.5rem@sm $size:2.5rem@dark $size:2.5rem@print">…</div>